Subscribe and Access Topic in Rospy regardless of Message Type
18 Jul 2016Introduction
A common problem I encountered a lot of times is that you simply want to subscribe to a topic and access a certain field of the published message without knowing its type. It turns out that this is rather simple to do in python by using the Connection Header of the handy AnyMsg that lets you subscribe to any topic regardless of type.
Example Class
See the following simple example class that subscribes to some_topic
and prints its field known_field
, nicely using python’s idiom of duck typing.
import rospy
import sys
from importlib import import_module
class Listener(object):
def __init__(self):
self._binary_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
'some_topic', rospy.AnyMsg, self.binary_callback)
def binary_callback(self, data):
assert sys.version_info >= (2,7) #import_module's syntax needs 2.7
connection_header = data._connection_header['type'].split('/')
ros_pkg = connection_header[0] + '.msg'
msg_type = connection_header[1]
print 'Message type detected as ' + msg_type
msg_class = getattr(import_module(ros_pkg), msg_type)
self._deserialized_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
'some_topic', msg_class, self.deserialized_callback)
def deserialized_callback(self, data):
print data.known_field
As shortly mentioned, the ROS msg type AnyMsg
lets you subscribe to any type of Msg, so the __init__
function is rather straightforward, the problem with the data parsed to the callback is that the data is not deserialized in any way.
Inside the binary_callback
we parse the connection header of the msg and assume that the type is defined inside the msg
namespace of the given rospackage. To parse the header as an import, we use the import_module function, such that we don’t have to import all possible msg types we could encounter. This method is the reason to do a version check in the beginning.
After we imported the module and got the type of the incoming msg, we simply unregister the binary subscriber and create a subscriber with the known type. Note that this implementation only allows the class to listen to the first incoming MsgType on this topic.
Note: There is also a C++ alternative provided by this package.